Posts by Guest User
Celebrating 2 Years of Progress

In September 2019, the Hive Fund buzzed into being to super-charge progress toward climate, gender, and racial justice by resourcing groups led by and serving Black, brown, AAPI, and Indigenous women and others on the frontlines in the US South. Looking back, we are grateful for what we have been able to accomplish in deep partnership with advisors, grantee partners, funders, and other allies

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Guest User
Alert: Rapid Response Funding in the Gulf Coast

Organizations working to eliminate climate pollution are simultaneously coping with its impacts, like the devastation of Hurricane Ida. As funders and donors, let’s follow their lead by centering justice and supporting the collective action needs those on the ground put forth.

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Guest UserAlert
Summer 2021 Newsletter

Looking back over the past twelve months, each day has held a milestone--the announcement of a verdict, the anniversary of a tragic event, or a fresh trauma that begins the cycle all over again. We focus this month on red flags being raised by grantee partners on burn-out and exhaustion, and how funders can reduce some of their burdens.

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Guest User
Spring 2021 Newsletter

As we emerge from a hard winter, walloped by devastating storms, the ground is thawing and seeds buried long ago are sprouting. At the Hive Fund, we are doing our part to nurture a mighty ecosystem of visionary leaders and stalwart organizations meeting this moment for change.

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Guest User
We're hiring!

After an inaugural year spent cultivating community, co-creating values and practices, and learning alongside our grantee-partners, we are ready to bring on a team of full-time staff to take our grantmaking program to the next level.

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Guest User
Winter 2020 Newsletter: Letter from the Co-Directors

The recent election showed the power and efficacy of sustained multi-solving and organizing work shaped by and led by Black, Brown, Indigenous leaders, women, young people, and others on the frontlines of righting these historic wrongs. Thanks to support from more than a dozen current and new donors, the Hive Fund is looking forward to more than doubling our grant-making support for these leaders and their organizations in 2021 and beyond.

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Guest User
Alert: Urgent Funding Needs in Georgia

Georgia is on all of our minds right now as we celebrate record-breaking voter registration and turnout. The purposeful vision and tireless work of home-grown leadership and consistent engagement of Black and Brown voters, especially youth, is a legacy to learn from and support.

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Guest UserAlert, Georgia